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LEST label by Intermetra: Robert Debré Clinic

The National Tobacco Control Program (PNLT) and the National Health Plan
(PNSP), included in the National Health Strategy, are fighting against
tobacco a public health priority. At the regional level, health establishments
public and private sectors are committed to deploying the Health Places Without Tobacco (LSST) system in
through their Multiannual Contracts of Objectives and Means (CPOM) signed with
the Regional Health Agency.

The establishments of the Clinifutur Health Group, several of which are subject to
financial support in the fight against addictions, work against
smoking in their mission of service to the public, and through campaigns to
awareness such as the #MoisSansTabac in November.

Focus on the Sainte-Clotilde Clinic and the Robert Debré Clinic, which are part of the
pilot establishments in the experimentation of the new tobacco-free company label,
LEST, offered by Intermétra on Reunion Island.

Alexandre DE LIMA
Quality and Risk Management Manager - Robert Debré Clinic

Addictology clinic established in the western region, in Saint-Gilles-Les-Hauts, since 2004, the first establishment exclusively dedicated to the care of people dependent on products (Alcohol, Tobacco, Medicines, Drugs) and/or behaviors (gambling, etc.), the Robert Debré clinic offers a complete medical, psychological and social care system for people seeking treatment for their addiction(s). We work in this regard in partnership with
all the players on the island in the field of addiction, in particular the North and South University Hospitals, ELSA du CHOR, GHER, Association Addictions France, Kaz’Oté and SAOME.

When the Tobacco-Free Company Label (LEST) was presented to us by Intermétra, the first thing that came to mind was: “Caring for those who provide care”. If this sentence has been in the minds of many French people since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis and has even given rise to a popular event at a fixed time relayed via the media and social networks, it is in fact a major issue which contributes today today and will contribute to the smooth running of the healthcare system tomorrow.

This objective is also included, in the form of a dedicated section, in the CPOM that we have signed with the Regional Health Agency (ARS) La Réunion for the period 2020-2024.

Participation in the experimental phase of the Tobacco-Free Company Label is not just a one-off action in favor of employees/caregivers, but is a real commitment by the clinic's governance to improving the quality of life at work. It is to this
as it has been included in the establishment's project with a view to improving well-being at work and team cohesion for better service to users.

The activity of addictology attracts many professionals with a personal experience or in their entourage vis-à-vis addiction, tobacco included. It is often said that shoemakers have the worst shoes: around 40% of our professionals smoke or have smoked. Active or past tobacco use with a professional can be the source of real suffering and difficulty during the patient care phases.

"How do you position yourself in front of a patient and support him effectively in a smoking cessation process when you are yourself a smoker and have difficulty with your own consumption? “What will patients think if they see me smoking before or after a tobacco consultation? Due to its activity, the clinic has logically been involved for 2 years now in the Place de Santé Sans Tabac (LSST) system, supported by the Addiction Prevention Network (RESPADD). We have so far been able to strengthen our care offer for users, in particular by improving individual follow-up and collective therapeutic workshops, reorganizing the smoking area dedicated to users, organizing events on World without tobacco and #MoisSansTabac.

However, on the aspect relating to professionals, until now we had only been able to respond through a process of advice and guidance because it was not possible to “treat” each other. The Tobacco-Free Company Label approach brings the missing piece of the puzzle of the Tobacco-Free Health Center (LSST) system.

Through the Label Entreprise Sans Tabac approach, we want to be able to offer complete support to all of our professionals, both old and new, in the different phases of smoking cessation:

reduction of consumption, cessation, maintenance of abstinence and prevention of the risk of relapse, in a real approach to reducing the risks associated with tobacco consumption.

This work will be all the more relevant since it will be carried out from the experimental phase as part of a collective bringing together three companies of different sizes and structures. The pooling of the vital forces and skills of Orange, the Sainte-Clotilde clinic and the Robert Debré clinic, and subsequently other companies, around an experience sharing platform will guarantee a
finer response to the needs of each according to its activity and its operation. This pooling will make it possible to adopt a broader vision of the problem of tobacco in companies in order to bring out adapted and innovative organizations at the service of professionals, directly at the level of their workstation.

If tobacco is part of the daily life of the professional world, there are other more complex subjects to address, in particular the disorders related to the use of alcohol which particularly affect our territory. The Tobacco-Free Company Label could be a first step towards a broader support system for professionals in the field of addiction, a subject at the heart of our attention.


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