Doctors / Clinics

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The establishments of the Clinifutur Health Group are mobilizing for MARS BLEU

depistage cancer colorectal

In collaboration with the ROCHE Laboratory and the League against Cancer, the establishments of the Groupe de Santé CLINIFUTUR, offer you workshops within the establishments throughout the month of March.

In the program:

  • An individual information & check-up stand
  • An oculus virtual helmet workshop: immersion in a colon to try to kill all the polyps to prevent cancer
  • A blind tasting workshop: Tasting with eyes closed of different foods that protect the digestive system
  • A Cocrotte workshop: Guessing game and interpretation of saddles. Quiz workshop on colon cancer and other digestive cancers
  • A Quiz workshop on colon cancer and other digestive cancers.

The planning:

Screening in time can save your life!! So don't wait any longer, GET TESTED!


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