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Sainte-Clotilde Clinic / Jeanne d'Arc Clinic: Labeled maternity units

accouchement maternité niveau 2

Level 2 maternity clinics CLINIFUTUR

The Groupe de Santé CLINIFUTUR is pleased to announce that its 2 level 2A maternity wards located at the Sainte-Clotilde Clinic and the Jeanne d'Arc Clinic have received the CNGOF label (National College of French Gynecologists and Obstetricians – CNGOF: learned society of the specialty and the origin of this label).

This distinction attests to the commitment to always better meet the expectations of pregnant women and to constantly improve the quality of care, the
safety and well-being of the women and couples we support.

The label is awarded to us for one year, at the end of which it will be renewed respectively for each maternity unit in view of its evaluation.

This label validates more than ever our constant desire to improve care, inform and listen to patients.

It is supported by, an interactive platform for information, advice and assessment of the care provided by our establishment.

Concretely, the women followed by our maternities now benefit from free access and upon registration to the Maternys platform ( ). They will find there, in particular, videos on about twenty subjects illustrating the follow-up of the pregnancy, the progress of the childbirth and the post-natal care as well as a multitude of explanations, advice and answers to the questions that the women and couples arise.

This information is all in accordance with the recommendations of the CNGOF and is expected to evolve according to the feedback from users and birth professionals (gynaecologists-obstetricians, midwives, anesthesiologists, nurses, childcare workers, psychologists, etc.) from labeled establishments .

Essential point of this progress, thanks to Maternys, women will be able to express themselves anonymously and qualify the information received during pregnancy as well as on the progress and follow-up of their childbirth. “The objective is to now entrust part of the quality control to the women themselves. We are the first medical specialty to do so,” explains Prof. Israel Nisand, president of the CNGOF.

By sharing their experience, by evaluating the quality of their journey, women will allow the CNGOF to change its recommendations to improve care and each labeled establishment will have a valuable quality barometer.

We strongly wish to contribute to this evolution of practices for women and couples actively engaged in their care journey, with the help of all the birth professionals who work in our establishments.


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