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The clinic's new, modern premises are now used for all obstetrics and gynaecology, neonatology and assisted reproduction services.
reproductive medicine. Each year, this represents more than 900 deliveries, almost 500 newborn babies cared for in neonatology and 870 In Vitro Fertilisations.

The new Level 2A Maternity Unit, which opened on 16 January 2023, is more spacious and contemporary, with completely new equipment and minimal environmental impact, enabling professionals to provide patients, couples and their future newborns with the best possible care.

Located on the ground floor of the clinic to the right of the main reception area, it has a leafy patio reserved for the department.

The 36-bed inpatient department has single and double rooms, as well as family rooms with a parental bed that can accommodate the second parent, subject to certain conditions. There are 4 delivery rooms, as well as a natural childbirth room equipped with a dilatation bath, hanging vines, a sofa-bed and, if necessary, a medical delivery bed: this allows physiological childbirth in maximum comfort and serenity, giving mothers-to-be the chance to relax and experience childbirth in a calm, less medical environment, without compromising on the safety of care. A caesarean section room is located in the immediate vicinity of the delivery rooms, accessible to the second parent, as is the post-intervention recovery room. The available gynaecologist assesses all gynaecological and/or obstetric emergencies with a view to immediate treatment at the clinic or transfer to an appropriate facility. Collaboration with the on-site anaesthetist ensures rapid and effective continuity of care. Patients benefit from comprehensive care with zero out-of-pocket expenses.

For newborns requiring neonatal care, 6 places are available in cots or incubators.

The premises were inaugurated on Wednesday 4 October 2023, in the presence of Mrs Isabelle ERUDEL, Departmental Councillor, Mrs Amandine RAMAYE, Vice-President responsible for participatory democracy at the Regional Council, Mr Gérard COTELLON, Director General of the Réunion Regional Health Agency, institutions, players in the perinatal sector, partners and the entire medical community.

La Clinique Les Orchidées maternity unit has been awarded the "Collège National des Gynécologues et Obstétriciens Français" (French National College of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians) label for the promotion of good treatment of women, as well as the "Lieux de Santé Sans Tabac" (Smoke-free Health Centres) label. The care offered provides access to a range of complementary treatments and services, including breastfeeding, the fight against poverty through the Permanence d'Accès aux Soins de Santé en Périnatalité scheme, sex therapy, help with smoking cessation, micronutrition, obesity and overweight monitoring, hypno-birthing, osteopathic care and various parenting development workshops such as baby massage and baby sling.

It firmly supports an eco-responsible policy, in particular by offering washable nappies for its newborns, but also NESTING workshops to raise awareness of environmental health: as a result, it is one of the winners of the "1000 premiers jours" initiative to promote children's health.

After several years of renovation work, the Women-Family-Fecundity Centre is now open to the population of the West sector on a completely refurbished site.

Supported by the CLINIFUTUR Health Group and SOFIPAR, this restructuring will enable the quality of care to be maintained and will highlight the excellence of the technical and human resources, with more than 70 doctors and 200 staff involved, who are also seeing an improvement in their working conditions and quality of life.


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