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Clinique Sainte-Clotilde - V2020 certification

Certification of healthcare establishments for quality of care

Certification is a compulsory external assessment procedure for all healthcare establishments, carried out every 4 years by professionals appointed by the HAS. Its aim is to provide an independent assessment of the quality and safety of the care and services provided by hospitals and clinics in France.

Since 25 November 2020, the HAS has been offering a new certification procedure for the quality of care: simplified, focused on care and the patient, it gives meaning and clarity to professionals and users. It sets fifteen fundamental objectives that are clear, recognised and shared by healthcare professionals and user representatives.

To find out more: HAS-santé.fr: Certification of healthcare establishments for quality of care

The Clinique Sainte-Clotilde certified by the HAS

The Groupe de Santé CLINIFUTUR  is pleased to announce that the Clinique Sainte-Clotilde has just received the V2020 certification report, and "In view of the elements mentioned in this report, resulting from the on-site visit, the Haute Autorité de santé has decided to certify the establishment for 4 years":


We would like to thank all our staff for their dedication and professionalism, which contributed greatly to this result. We can be proud of this report, which is representative of the work carried out by everyone on a daily basis.

All the imperative criteria had a score of 88% or more, and 9 of them had a score of 99% or more. As for the advanced criteria, 3 out of 5 have a score equal to 100%.

The French National Authority for Health (HAS) also praised the control of :

  • Hospital tensions and exceptional health situations
  • The relevance of care pathways, procedures and prescriptions, which is discussed within the team
  • Management of certain risks associated with care, such as infection and post-partum haemorrhage.


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