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Haematology, a new therapeutic strategy at the Clinique Sainte-Clotilde

The Clinique Sainte-Clotilde has recently started offering haematology services. This service is part of a regional context that complements the CHU.

Indeed, the development of new therapeutic strategies (targeted therapies, immunotherapies), the local availability of which has increased in recent years, justifies extending the capacity to care for patients suffering from malignant haemopathy. In addition, the sociological and health issues specific to La Réunion justify the diversification of the care on offer.

Building on its experience in cancer care, the Clinique Sainte-Clotilde's ambition with this new department is to offer high-quality comprehensive care, guaranteeing access to supportive care and personalised support for patients and their families. The haematology department works closely with the supportive care, oncology and radiotherapy, internal medicine and intensive care medicine departments, as well as the palliative care and pain department, depending on the specific needs of each patient.

Particular attention is paid to welcoming patient associations to the department.  

The main haematological malignancies encountered at the meeting are myeloma, lymphoma, myelodysplasia and acute leukaemia in elderly patients. They will be cared for in the inpatient and outpatient departments, with links to the university hospital or mainland France for the most complex procedures (transplants, CART cells).

The Clinique Sainte-Clotilde also provides consultation services for benign haemopathies, haemostasis disorders and auto-immune cytopenias.  

A young, dynamic team of two haematologists and 3 nurses trained in oncology provide a weekday hospital service with 8 beds and a day hospital with 10 places. On-call care is provided within the establishment.  

Patients can be referred either directly via Doctolib and the secretarial department or, on the advice of the haematologist, via Omnidoc or the telephone line.  

Contacts for the secretarial department :

The Haematology Department of the Clinique Sainte-Clotilde can be contacted via its secretariat on 0262 48 22 45.

An on-call medical number is available on 0692 32 45 78.

To make an appointment via Doctolib, click on the link: DOCTOLIB: Clinique Sainte Clotilde - Hématologie


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Service Communication - 127,rue du bois de nefles - 97490 Sainte-Clotide

Bureau : 0262 48 23 63