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The Oncology Support Unit (USOS)


The Oncology Support Care Unit (USOS) was created in June 2022 at the Clinique Sainte-Clotilde, following a collaboration between an oncologist and the head of support care. Inaugurated by Professor Ivan Krakowski, President of the AFSOS, and patients, the USOS is part of the two national cancer plans.

It intervenes after the medical announcement to accompany patients through three key stages: a period of nursing support, a period of support, and coordination with outpatient medical services. The USOS ensures continuity of care between the clinic and external facilities, and directs patients in remission towards specialised rehabilitation programmes.

The Oncological Support Care team was selected in accordance with circular 41 950 on improving access to support care for cancer patients. This is based on the INCA report (N°DGOS/R3/INCA/2017). In addition, an interpreter is available for consultations with the population of neighbouring islands.

They are supported by a nurse, a secretary and a medical team made up of oncologists and an infectiologist.

The Oncology Support Care Unit (USOS) offers a dedicated space, separate from the treatment areas, to provide a welcoming environment not associated with technical care. It is organised on a personalised basis, with eight weekly day hospitalisations (HDJ), adapted to patient profiles (breast cancer, oncogeriatrics, etc.) and types of treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc.).

After the initial consultation, the oncologist refers patients to these HDJs for the best possible care. Support is enhanced by collaboration with independent professionals (socio-aesthetician, breast physiotherapist). From the outset, patients are offered a listening session to help them anticipate the side-effects of their treatment. This facilitates communication with professionals, and the link with the multidisciplinary team is established with a view to possible hospitalisation.

After their stay at the USOS, 18% of patients consult a physiotherapist and 17% a psychologist in the community network.

Oncology Support Unit (USOS) QUICK FACTS :

Supportive care: Paramedical corps Medical profession
  • Social worker
  • Dietician
  • Breast physiotherapist
  • Pharmacy assistant
  • Psychologist
  • Psychomotrician
  • Socio-aesthetician
  • Sophrologist
  • Nurse
  • Manipulator
  • Oncologist
  • Infectiologist
  • Secretariat

In 2023, 1161 patients received :

  • 746 chemotherapy patients
  • 258 radiotherapy patients
  • 157 photobiomodulation patients
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