Doctors / Clinics

Your rights and duties

Your rights

I. Information relating to the processing of your data

The CLINIFUTUR Health Group, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Clinic’, located at 127 route de bois de Nèfles 97490, Sainte-Clotilde, is responsible for processing your data within the meaning of the French Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD).   In accordance with Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) we inform you:

I.1 Category of data processed

The data collected for your medical treatment is as follows:  

  • Data relating to your identity: surname, first name, age
  • Data relating to your health: national insurance number, medical file, etc.
  • Personal information: family situation, economic or financial situation
  • Financial information: bank details
  • Other: e-mail address

This data is collected directly from you, or indirectly, using services provided by the administration (e.g. your ‘carte vitale’) or from professionals who are members of your care team.

I.2 Purpose of data processing

Your data is processed in particular in connection with :

  • the administrative management of your file, the legal basis for which is the legal obligation
  • billing for medical procedures, the legal basis for which is the performance of a contract
  • teletransmission to the Assurance Maladie, for which the legal basis is the legal obligation
  • publishing test results, for which the legal basis is legitimate interest
  • statistical work to analyse the activity of care services, for which the legal basis is consent  
  • evaluating your satisfaction and your experience at the Clinic, as well as the quality and safety of care, the legal basis for which is consent.
  • evaluating your satisfaction and your experience at the Clinic as part of the national e-Satis system, the legal basis for which is legitimate interest.

I.3 Recipients of your data

In compliance with confidentiality and security obligations, the recipients of your personal data are solely :

  • Clinic staff, or professionals involved in your care, depending on their clearance;
  • healthcare professionals involved in your care and who are part of your care team;
  • authorised health insurance agents.

Your data will not be communicated to third parties without your consent or without a legal obligation. If health data needs to be shared with healthcare professionals outside the care team, your consent will be obtained.

I.4 Duration and storage of your data

Your personal data is kept for :

  • 20 years Medical file from the date of the patient's last stay or last outpatient consultation at the Clinic or 10 years from the date of the patient's death, if the patient died less than 10 years after their last visit to the Clinic.
  • 30 years the mention of transfusion procedures performed and, where applicable, a copy of the transfusion incident form from the date of the transfusion procedure.

I.5 Storage of your data

Your personal data is stored and kept at the Clinic and at our approved and certified service provider (GCS Tesis) on secure servers located in France. When you leave the establishment, your data is archived either at the Clinic or is transferred from GCS Tesis to a service provider who provides this service (Archives Réunion). We implement all appropriate technical and organisational measures to guarantee the security and confidentiality of your data.

II. Exercising your rights

II.1 Exercising your rights

  • Right of access to your data (see ‘Access to your medical file’);
  • Right to rectify your data in order to complete or update it;
  • Right to object to the processing of your data, for reasons relating to your particular situation, and to limit the use of your data, subject to compliance with legal or regulatory constraints.
  • Right to the portability of your data
  • Right to withdraw consent
  • Right after the death of a patient

If you would like to exercise these rights or ask a question about your personal data, please contact the Data Protection Officer at  

You will be asked to provide proof of identity in order to exercise your rights.  

You have the right to take any complaint concerning your personal data to the Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberté (CNIL) (more information at ).

II.2 Access to your Medical File

Information relating to treatment, care and examinations is gathered in a personalised file, the contents of which are confidential and covered by professional secrecy.

In accordance with article R1111-1, you may access your medical file or obtain a copy of all or part of it, during your stay or after your discharge.

In the case of a minor, the right of access is exercised by the holder(s) of parental authority. At the minor's request, this access is provided by a doctor.

If the adult is the subject of a legal protection measure with representation relating to the person, the person in charge of the measure has access to this information under the same conditions.

Requesting access to your medical records: All you have to do is make your request in writing to the management of the clinic where you were treated. Your request must be accompanied by a copy of your identity card bearing your signature. In the event of the patient's death, the heirs, cohabitee or partner linked by a civil solidarity pact who wish to access the patient's medical records must specify, when making their request, the reason why they need to know this information. 

Once you have provided proof of your identity, you will be able to consult your file. This consultation to access the patient file is free of charge (the clinic may ask you to pay the cost of reproduction and postage to avoid any abuse) and can take place :

  • Either on site, with the clinic offering you medical assistance if necessary.
  • Or by sending copies to your postal address.  
  • Or by electronic version via your Messagerie Sécurisé Santé (MSSanté).

Deadlines for making your medical file available: The information requested cannot be made available to you before a statutory 48-hour cooling-off period. Once your request has been studied and accepted, the clinic has eight days following receipt of your complete request to respond. This period is extended to two months if the medical file to be consulted is more than five years old or if the request is complex.

Access to your medical records by a third party: Medical records are protected by confidentiality rules. It may only be disclosed to third parties if you give explicit written authorisation.

III. Image rights

Reports may be produced within the clinic if they have been authorised by the clinic's management. This authorisation does not relieve the professional of the obligation to ask each patient for their individual written consent to be photographed, filmed or interviewed.

In the case of minors and protected adults, the consent of the patient's legal representative must be obtained. This authorisation must also be in writing. Contact the department's health executive if you are asked to do so.

You must also respect the right to privacy. Staff or patients may not be recorded, photographed or filmed without their express, free and informed consent, whatever the means used, including mobile phones. These recordings may only be published on the Internet with the patient's consent.

Any publication on the Internet that violates professional secrecy, the right to privacy and/or is defamatory of staff is liable to result in a complaint.

You will be provided with a form to obtain your consent.

Mon Espace Santé

Your discharge documents are now available in Mon espace santé! Correspondence to your GP, prescriptions, operation reports, etc.: to make your care easier, the medical documents produced during your stay are now available in My Health Space.

Mon espace santé is your new digital health record! This secure service offered by the French National Health Insurance allows you to store your medical documents and share your health information with your healthcare professionals. To activate your account: download the mobile application or go to with your Vitale card. In the ‘Activate My Health Space’ section, you can create your login details and password.

Establishments in the CLINIFUTUR Health Group automatically populate My Health Space for each user concerned. Users may refuse access to their health space by completing the online procedure. During a hospital stay, patients may freely consent to their health space being updated: to exercise this right, they must inform the team at any time during their stay. Patients may also freely consent to the consultation of documents in their health space by any authorised healthcare professional: to exercise this right, they must do so online.

Do you have any questions about Mon espace santé, or do you need help activating it or objecting to it? Call 3422 free of charge (mainland France) or meet a Mon espace santé ambassador at a Maison France Services or CCAS near you.


The law of March 4, 2002 regulated the right to information of the patient by the doctor. It concerns the investigations, treatments, preventive actions: their usefulness, their urgency, their consequences, the frequent or serious risks normally foreseeable, the other possible solutions, the foreseeable consequences in the event of refusal and the new risks identified. Your wish to be kept in the dark about a diagnosis or prognosis will be respected, except where third parties are at risk of transmission.

Computing and Freedom

Our healthcare establishments have a computer system intended to facilitate the management of patient files and to carry out, if necessary, statistical work for use by the establishment and the Groupe de Santé CLINIFUTUR.

The legal basis for this data processing is the safeguard of your vital interests, medical research and compliance with our legal obligations.

The controller is the Groupe de Santé CLINIFUTUR, whose address is: GIE CLINIRUN, 127 route du bois de Nèfles, 97490 Sainte Clotilde.

The information collected during your consultation or your hospitalization, will be the subject, unless justified opposition on your part, of a computer recording. This information is reserved for the medical team following you as well as for administrative data, billing services and medical information.

In accordance with the regulations on the protection of personal data (According to article 9 2. a) of the GDPR [European Data Protection Regulation] n°2016/679), you can obtain communication of the data concerning you by addressing the management of this establishment or the DPO (Data Protection Officer) by e-mail:

You may also have the following rights: access, rectification, erasure, opposition, limitation of processing and portability. If you have given your consent to the processing of your data, you can withdraw it upon simple request from you.

If necessary, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL (

The shelf life of your medical file is 20 years, in accordance with the legal prescription periods. This period begins to run from the date of your last stay or your last external consultation in the establishment.

Any doctor designated by you can also consult all of your medical records. If the latter has a secure messaging service and agrees to receive the reports in this way, your health data will be exchanged by email within the MSSanté trusted space.

If you have a DMP (shared medical file) or a digital health space "My health space", it will be fed with your health data (prescriptions, treatments, test results, medical reports, etc.). hospitalization, vaccination, etc.).

Your identity and the medical information concerning you will be transmitted in your regional medical file in order to improve the communication of information between the various health professionals taking care of you.

Users' right of expression

(art. R 1112-79 to R 1112-94 of the CSP)
If you are not satisfied with your care, we invite you to contact the service manager. If this first step does not bring you satisfaction, you can ask to meet the user representative. You can also send a letter to the Management of the establishment, in order to formulate your comments or your complaints. A response will be sent to you by the establishment after the investigations.

Minor patients, adult patients under guardianship

(art. L1122-2 of the CSP)

Protected adults: If you accompany an adult under guardianship, the guardian must assist or represent him according to the provisions of the Civil Code. We kindly ask you to indicate at the time of the surgical and anesthetic consultation and at the time of admission, these particular measures for the protection of persons. We also ask you to provide supporting documents (guardianship judgment, etc.).
Minors: in the case of a minor under the age of 16, the presence of the parent is essential and an accompanying person must be provided.

Information in the event of treatment-related damage

(art. L 1142-4 of the CSP)
When a patient is the victim of damage attributable to a prevention, diagnosis or care activity, the Public Health Code requires that he has received the information. The patient must be informed by the doctor in charge of his treatment within 15 days of:

  • The circumstances and causes of the occurrence of the damage
  • The actual extent of the damage
  • Potential damage
  • The procedure for expressing dissatisfaction or filing a complaint. This information must be provided during an interview bringing together at least the patient and the doctor responsible for treatment. The information provided to the patient is recorded in the patient's file by a report summarizing the comments made during the interview.

Refusal of care

(art. L 1111-4 of the CSP)
You are free to refuse the care offered. Your doctor will inform you of all the potential risks and consequences of your decision. If you maintain your decision, you will be asked for a document attesting to your refusal. The refusal of care will be recorded in your file.

The trustworthy person

(art. L1111-6 of the CSP)
During your stay, you can designate a person you know whom you trust, to accompany you throughout the treatment and the decisions to be made.

This person will be consulted in the event that you are unable to express your wishes or receive the information necessary for this purpose.
She may also, if you wish, attend medical interviews in order to participate in decision-making that concerns you.

Please be aware that you can revoke this designation or change the terms at any time.

Advance directives

(art. L1111-11 of the CSP)
Any adult person can, if they wish, make a written declaration, called "advance directives", in order to specify their wishes as to their end of life, thus providing for the hypothesis that they would not be, at that time, able to express their will.
These directives indicate his wishes concerning the conditions for limiting or stopping treatment.


(art. L 1111-4 of the CSP)
All staff are bound by discretion and professional secrecy. You can also ask that no indication be given of your presence. To do this, ask at reception.

Well-treatment and ethics policy

(art. L 1111-4 of the CSP)
The management is particularly vigilant in respecting good treatment practices with elderly patients. A well-treatment and ethics policy is in place.
If you yourself are a victim or if you are aware of a situation of elder abuse, you can contact:

Your doctor or paramedical and medical-technical personnel
To the administrative staff of the clinic and institutions (town halls, etc.)
To the ALMA association (Allo Mistreatment of the elderly) which has a role of listening, information, and orientation of the elderly and families (anonymity respected) - Tel. ALMA: 02 62 41 53 48
At your disposal, on the website of the Réunion Departmental Council the guide to aid for the elderly.

Additional elements are detailed by establishment in its welcome booklet, please read it.

Visiting rights


Your duties

Deposit of valuables and personal effects

An inventory of your personal effects (jewellery, watches, etc.) is systematically carried out when you are admitted to the clinic. Do not leave valuables unattended. A safe is available at reception. The management declines all responsibility in the event of theft, loss or deterioration of property.

Fire safety

In our establishments, all the regulatory provisions in force in terms of fire safety are respected. Instructions for evacuating the premises are displayed in each room and in the corridors. Staff are regularly trained in incident control. In any situation, it is important to remain calm and follow the instructions of the staff. It is forbidden to use the emergency exits, except in the event of a disaster requiring their use.

Beverages, wines, alcohols and food

The introduction of alcoholic beverages into the establishment is strictly prohibited. During your stay, the staff is trained in the prevention of dehydration and any risk of hypoglycemia. For your nutritional monitoring, it is recommended that you do not consume food other than that served by the staff of the establishment. However, do not hesitate to let him know your needs if necessary. Check with the staff before bringing a meal from outside the establishment.


By ministerial decrees of 19/05/1992 and 15/11/2006, it is strictly forbidden to smoke and vape in the clinic. Contact the nursing staff if you need to be accompanied outside.


For reasons of hygiene, the presence of animals in the establishment is prohibited.

Behavior and living together

Any exchange of goods or money with staff is strictly prohibited. Respect and friendliness between patients and with staff are essential in all circumstances. The health managers are at your disposal if necessary so that you can explain your concerns.

Silence and rest time

Silence is one of the elements of comfort and recovery for patients. It is therefore rigorous. We ask you to use radio and television devices with discretion and to avoid loud conversations. We remind you of the availability of collective spaces and gardens for you and your loved ones.


Any medication in progress must be reported to our teams as soon as you arrive. During your stay, please take the medication prescribed by the doctor of the establishment who is treating you. Do not hesitate to ask the doctor or nurse for details about your treatment and to promptly report any adverse effects encountered. Do not, under any circumstances, take medications other than those given by the nurse.


The clinic has a video surveillance network, in accordance with law 95-73 of January 21, 1995 and authorized by prefectural decree. Access to the elevators is prohibited for unaccompanied children. We remind you that household electrical appliances, with the exception of electric razors, are prohibited in the establishment.

Management of acts of violence

Relationships between caregivers and patients are based on politeness, courtesy, trust and respect. The staff ensures you a quality listening but the respect must be reciprocal. Any physical or verbal aggression towards the staff is liable to legal proceedings (art. 433-3 and 222-8 of the penal code). difficulty, dialogue must always be privileged, in calm and courtesy. The establishments of the Groupe de Santé CLINIFUTUR cannot be held responsible for the bad behavior of the patients, nor of their accompanying persons and reserve the right to call on the police.

The operating rules of your establishments are detailed in your booklets, please read them.

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