Find all our Patient Information documents classified by clinics
Clinique Sainte-Clotilde booklet
R.A.A.C Passport - Improved recovery after surgery
Raising awareness of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease
Cardiology : Ambulatory Coronary angiography
Surgery: It's better to have surgery WITHOUT TOBACCO
Obstetrics: Nutritional Assessment for Overweight Pregnant Women
Sainte-Clotilde reception center
Support Oncology Care Unit Brochure
Therapeutic Education for Overweight Pregnant Women (ETP) flyer
Flyer: Support for women going through the menopause
Presentation Palliative Care Unit
To know more about the PASS, click here
Clinique Les Orchidées booklet
Passport Pôle Femme Famille Fécondité
Passport Surgery Clinique Les Orchidées
Anticipatory Directives: Information and Collection
Pour en savoir plus sur notre PASS, cliquez ici.
Clinique Saint-Vincent booklet
Day Hospitalization Passport for Medical and Rehabilitation Care
Medical and rehabilitation care locomoteur: pre-admission file
Medical and rehabilitation care (inpatient or outpatient treatment): pre-admission file for attending physicians
General presentation of the clinic
Medical and rehabilitation care : Day hospitalisation
Information following the death of a relative
Pre-admission file for day hospitalisation for attending physicians
Complete hospitalisation pre-admission file for attending physicians
Booklet Support after the loss of a loved one
Flyer Hôpital De Jour SMR Gériatrique
Soins de suite et réadaptation : Day Hospitalisation
Funeral services: information following the death of a loved one
My career in addiction medicine
Centres de Dialyse - Sodia Booklet