Doctors / Clinics


Clinique Robert Debré

Established in Saint-Gilles-les-Hauts since 2004, the Clinique Robert Debré has joined the Groupe de Santé CLINIFUTUR since September 2020. It plays a major and local role in the supply of addictology care in the region, in particular on the western territory of Reunion Island. Specialized in the care of people dependent on psychoactive substances (Alcohol, Tobacco, Medicines, Drugs) and/or behaviors (gambling, etc.), it offers a complete system for the care of addictions, ranging from withdrawal to specialized rehabilitation and reintegration assistance. It has nearly 45 employees, 4 general practitioners including 2 specialized in addictology. It has a capacity of 60 beds and places.

The Clinique Robert Debré is certified by the Haute Autorité de Santé for a period of 4 years from January 2025.


The clinic has held the Smoke-free Health Centre (LSST) label since 2020. As such, the premises are non-smoking and patients are offered a comprehensive approach to smoking prevention and treatment.

Since March 2022, the clinic has been committed to the Romain JACOB Charter and fully supports its objectives to promote the social inclusion and full citizenship of people with disabilities: helping to support and improve access to care and healthcare for people with disabilities. To view the full charter: Charte Romain JACOB

The Clinique Robert Debré in figures

  • 4,030 addiction medicine stays
  • 16,714 days SMR HC Addicto
  • 3,874 days SMR HDJ
  • 400 annual outpatient follow-up consultations

Addictology - Medical and rehabilitation care

Accommodation capacity

  • 20 medical beds
  • 45 beds in Medical and rehabilitation care
  • 15 day hospital places for Medical and rehabilitation care


A technical platform adapted to the different types of care: Addictology doctors, general practitioners and psychiatrists, nurses, care assistants, psychologists, neuropsychologists, social workers, adapted physical activity teachers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dieticians.

My career in addiction medicine

Find the practitioner(s) concerned by this specialty 


The booklet is given to the patient as soon as his hospitalization has been decided so that he has the information necessary for the preparation of his stay, his information on the rights of hospitalized persons as well as his duties.

Clinique Robert Debré booklet 

Application for admission

Your application for admission can be downloaded via the link below:

Clinique Robert Debré application for admission

Sleep Unit

The sleep unit is aimed at both the general public and hospitalised patients. It comprises 4 individual rooms with luxury bathrooms, furniture and hotel comforts. They are equipped with video, audio and phono surveillance, and are linked to computers that record sleep throughout the night. The tracings obtained are analysed manually and integrated into the clinical context to produce personalised results.

My journey in the sleep unit

Flyer Sleep Unit

Our Care Quality and Safety Indicators

QualiScope is the public information site intended to inform patients (or their relatives) on the level of quality of care provided by all healthcare establishments in France.

To consult the Clinique Robert Debré Care Quality and Safety Indicators, click here.


Clinique Robert Debré

  • 18 impasse des oliviers – BP 32 – 97435 Saint-Gilles-Les-Hauts
  • Phone : 0262 59 37 37
  • Fax: 0262 59 37 99
  • FINESS N°970404059
  • Mr Sébastien MAUNIER – Operations Director

Users' Commission

The secretariat is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and will receive all oral or written complaints and complaints from users.

See the clinic on the map

Result of the calculation of the "gender equality" index to be found here

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