Multipurpose Medical and rehabilitation care (SMR). Since 2013, the establishment has benefited from the specialty of care for the dependent poly-pathological elderly person or at risk of dependence in HC (Full Hospitalization) and HDJ (Day Hospitalization). Its mission is to provide a local response by offering each patient rehabilitation care adapted to their needs.
A protected area suitable for patients suffering from Alzheimer's or related disorders.
Efficient technical platforms with, in particular, Snozelen-type psycho-sensory care rooms and vast gardens open to patients and visitors. It has a capacity of 114 beds and places.
The Clinique Saint-Joseph is certified by the French National Authority for Health for a period of 4 years until 2024.
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Since March 2022, the clinic has been committed to the Romain JACOB Charter and fully supports its objectives to promote the social inclusion and full citizenship of people with disabilities: helping to support and improve access to care and healthcare for people with disabilities. To view the full charter: Charte Romain JACOB
Information on our care offers and medico-technical platforms. Polyvalent and geriatrics SMR, Beds identified palliative care (LISP)
The establishment provides comprehensive Medical care for adults from the age of 18, requiring care relating to motor rehabilitation, therapeutic adaptation, state of malnutrition, therapeutic education.
The booklet is given to the patient as soon as his hospitalization has been decided so that he has the information necessary for the preparation of his stay, his information on the rights of hospitalized persons as well as his duties. In addition to this booklet, the information documents relating to each treatment offer are listed above
Pre-admission file for day hospitalisation for attending physicians
Complete hospitalisation pre-admission file for attending physicians
The establishment provides Medical and rehabilitation care for the elderly with associated pathologies such as diabetes, hypertension and whose autonomy is reduced to total dependence. It welcomes patients for family respites or after hospital stays requiring convalescent care.
Support takes place in the form of individual or collective workshops within our technical platform.
The Violette service is a protected and secure sector. It is intended to accommodate people with behavioral problems such as the risk of running away, disorientation, wandering, violent attitude, etc.
When the patient is admitted, it is important that a close person who knows him well is present to inform us about his lifestyle and his past.
Thus, we can quickly establish a familiar and reassuring environment.
Purple service information flyer
Purple service life notebook project flyer
The Clinique Saint-Joseph has an authorization for 6 beds for palliative care, one of the doctors is trained in the palliative DU. The multidisciplinary team works thanks to an agreement with the Mobile Palliative Care team of the Reunion University Hospital. She brings a permanent and privileged listening throughout the stay to the patients, their family or the entourage.
The respect of the will of the patient, of his dignity constitutes the commitment of the Management and the professionals. In accordance with the Leonetti law of April 22, 2005 relating to the rights of patients and the end of life, the patient's advance directives will be taken into account. All treatments will be provided with comfort in mind and specific needs taken into account. The room can be personalized.
A psychologist provides active and available listening for both the patient himself and for his family or loved ones. Social workers can guide and advise on the various existing aids or procedures to be carried out.
Booklet Support after the loss of a loved one
Find the practitioner(s) concerned by this specialty
The establishment offers geriatric care in a day hospital. Find below a specific information document, which details the terms of care.
Geriatric SSR Day Hospital Flyer
QualiScope is the public information site intended to inform patients (or their relatives) on the level of quality of care provided by all healthcare establishments in France. To consult the information of the Clinique Sainte-Joseph, click here,
The secretariat is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and will receive all oral or written complaints and complaints from users.
Result of the calculation of the "equality between men and women" index to be found here